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Mute google reader feeds

Add a cron job for this script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Borja Garcia
# Program: GReaderMuted
# Descrip: Mute all entrys below a label
# Version: 0.0.0
# Date: 20120228
# License: This script doesn't require any license since it's not intended to be
# redistributed. In such case, unless stated otherwise, the purpose of
# the author is to follow GPLv3.
# Version: 0.0.0 (20120228)
# - Initial release

# Parameters
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
while [ -h "$SCRIPT_PATH" ] ; do
SCRIPT_PATH="$(readlink "$SCRIPT_PATH")";
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SCRIPT_PATH" )" && pwd )"

# Main function

function main() {

# Do what you wanna do
curl -s -d -d Passwd=insert_here -d source=greadermuted -d service=reader -d accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE -o auth
sleep 10
auth=`cat auth | grep ^Auth | cut -d= -f2` && rm auth
echo "The auth is $auth"

curl -s -o token --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$auth"`date +%N`&client=greadermuted
sleep 10
token=`cat token` && rm token
echo "The token is $token"

curl -s -o userinfo --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$auth"`date +%N`&client=greadermuted
sleep 10
echo "User info:"
cat userinfo && rm userinfo
echo ""

curl -s -o result --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=$auth" -d s=user/-/label/$label -d T=$token
sleep 10
result=`cat result`
echo "The result of marking label \"$label\" as read is $result" && rm result


# Entry point


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